There are a lot of TED talks out there. Almost too many. Don't get overwhelmed... start with these 30 and get inspired.
Sure, these days the Beastie Boys album that gets the most consideration and accolades is probably Paul's Boutique. An album that when initially released was met with shrugged shoulders and poor sales. Because it wasn't License to Ill, an album that took the world by storm, and recently just achieved Diamond status.
There's no photoshop used with these images - they're the real thing, no matter how much you don't want to believe it.
The nostalgic factor of seeing all these 80s video games is fun for a Gen - Xer like myself, and the inclusion of Peter Dinklage raises hopes, but Kevin James and Adam Sandler's track record ultimately trumps all the good will of this trailer and makes me think it will be bad. But maybe you think differently...
I want to like Lip Sync Battle. I'm not one of those people who callously dismiss it as trivial or juvenile or stupid just because. I've watched the battles on the Jimmy Fallon show and enjoyed them, but I'm not sure they can sustain momentum for an entire show. I hope I'm wrong, but this trailer suggests to me that they immediately pull out the stops (huge production numbers) because there isn't a lot of meat on the bone to begin with.
Crazy drone footage of the city of San Francisco. I feel like I don't even have to visit anymore - I got it all right here!
Diving deep into a high school AP test.
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