Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Cool Shit 1/8

I'm not saying this guy DIDN'T kill Bigfoot, I'm just saying he probably should have come up with a better story than repeating the one that was confirmed a fraud 6 years ago about him killing Bigfoot. Also, I'm totally saying this guy didn't kill Bigfoot.

Every web domain that has ever been mentioned on Law & Order. is my favorite.

Terry Gilliam is an interesting director, and person. In fact, he's probably one of the best examples of how/what creativity can do, and how it can be crushed when people try to box it.

A new Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings album comes out next week, so why not enjoy the single off it right now?

Sense8 is a new Netflix show, developed by the Wachowskis.

I doubt (unless you're REALLY into movie criticism) that you have heard of the movie critic Armond White. Sadly, I don't think he reviews movies for any publication anymore, but just imagine real life trolling. Yet, it's hard to get a grip on whether he's being sincere or not with his reviews. Because he is an intelligent person and talented writer. Here's a decent breakdown of how his reviews are written,  and here's a look at his heckling of Steve McQueen (the director, not the actor, because that would be weird if he heckled the actor) at a recent event. Honestly, if people don't see this as nothing more than positive publicity for a former film critic to perhaps get a job somewhere else than people don't understand how the world works anymore. Also, regardless of the intentions, seriously, who cares?

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