Friday, May 16, 2014

Cool Shit 5/16

Hey, even alcoholics need to get away sometimes, so here are ten locations where they would feel right at home.

I like the idea of Chipotle using author statements/quotes/whatevers on their serving utensils, but also agree with the author here about the "messaging" of some of the statements. I don't know if it's Chipotle or the authors choosing (I assume Chipotle), but there's no reason to create hypocrisy with the statements. Just pick random shit the authors wrote and move along. Though I will say being a fan of Saunders, I want to believe he's being sardonic with the quote he's attributed to in the article.

We are moving ever so closer to grilling season. So Michael Symon's 10 tips on crafting the perfect hamburger should be required reading. FOR EVERYONE.

Some cool words to ponder from Stanley Kubrick on how to live life. Or at least how to get something more out of it.

It's hard to tell what this Bentley ad shot on an iPhone 52 and then edited on an IPad is selling - Bentleys or Apple products.

Conspiracy theories are fun to talk about, but not when they are influencing legitimate plans to help people. Unless that's what THEY want you to believe.

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