Screw you modern technology! I want to walk up a cliff using plank boards and a chain. At least that's what some people who made these cliff walkways must have said. Or maybe not since most of them were built pre-modern technology. So they must have just said, "I wonder what's up there?"
Anthrax gets all the big headlines, but ricin is just as, if not moreso dangerous. And it can go in the mail too. Remember when the Elvis impersonator was charged for doing so? No? Than this article is a great way to catch up on that plot.
I like how sometimes we brand things we don't understand as "weird." Take for example this article (otherwise nicely written) about Sony and some of its more unusual products that see the marketplace. While some might call the strategy and execution as innovative, creative and inspiring, apparently others simply say "weird."
The petition to make Mick Jagger the star of Clockwork Orange (and then indirectly have the Beatles score the movie).
Nice to know NASA at least has some kind of plan in case an astronaut floats off into space untethered (ala Sandra Bullock in Gravity), though I'm not sure it's a great plan.
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