Donkey Ball? Yes, it appears to be a real game.
One day we will all be machines. At least according to this.
The cast of Footloose – where are they today?
Certainly right up my alley – a list of cheesy TV show openings.
Oh, Julia Stiles, you’re a Mets fan? I hate you.
A perfect article for today’s date.
The idea of Dungeon Dads is an interesting, if revolting one. I wonder if a study would show the phenomena of fathers keeping their daughters locked up suggests our culture puts too much of a value on father’s protecting their daughters from the evils of the world, and thereby turning them into an evil. I should be a 60 Minutes producer. Or schedule programming for MSNBC on the weekends.
A deeper look into the upcoming end of the world in 2012.
Want to know the future? Watch Back to the Future II.
What? You didn’t want to learn everything possible about the slug?
When did Clarkson lose so much weight?
Thanks so much for this tutorial! I did this for a friends wedding party and it worked jolly good. It lasts the whole evening
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